High School Seniors: The Last Summer of Freedom

High School Seniors: The Last Summer of Freedom! For many High School Seniors this is the last summer of freedom. The last summer of staying up all night playing video games and then sleeping until noon. The last summer of floating around on the lake carefree, bill free with the world at their fingertips. Although the next school year will be hard, their next summer won't be a vacation, it will be the beginning of a new chapter in their life.

When the year is over some of these young adults may be going off to college. Others will trade writing assignments and studying for a full-time job. Some might plan on staying in your spare room for a few years, but that's a whole other blog... Becoming legal adults & moving out of the house for the first time they'll start experiencing what a lot of adults lovingly call " Real Life". Along with the new freedoms come new responsibilities, new experiences, and lots and lots of choices!

During these last few weeks of summer, they should be trying to have as much fun as they can. Here is a list of ideas to try out before the year is over. Along with some of the things on the list, it's also a great idea to start thinking about when to get Senior Portraits. Unfortunately, with the big national companies coming and taking the "High School Mug Shot" for the yearbook and friends with cameras many teens these days don't get this experience. Professional Senior Portraits should be more than headshots in their favorite outfits or a chance for their friend to practice with their camera. They shouldn't just be digital files that get posted on Social media and filed away on a computer. They represent much, much more. Senior portraits are about celebrating a life stage - for many teens, their entire senior year is filled with milestones, and it is definitely one worth noting and celebrating in many ways, including portraiture. It's their last year of high school, but so much more.  It is also typically their last year with the friends they grew up with, their last year at home (it will never be the same, even if they are twenty seven and living in your basement), and their last year of truly being under their parent’s wings.  Their senior year is about being on the cusp of something great - their futures, and they will never see the world the way they do right now. Documenting that with professional photography is one way of ensuring that you never forget who they are, RIGHT now. 

How Do You Choose the Photographer Who is Right for You? You should choose a senior portrait photographer the same way you would choose a photographer for any other type of life event, i.e. newborn, family, or for a wedding.  It's important that the style of the photographer, their personality AND what they offer be a fit for you, otherwise it won't feel right and there can be friction throughout the process.  One of the biggest mistakes people make is simply comparing photographer's prices on paper.  There are a lot of things that determine what a photographer charges, and so simply comparing pricing doesn't help you understand that.At J-Rob Studios Photography we take the time up front to get to know you. During the initial consultation we will discuss who you are, how you want to be remembered, what to ware and other tips and tricks to getting the most out of your session. We create a plan so we can capture the best images possible. When it comes to prints, we've got you covered. All are prints are from a professional lab and specially coated to last long enough for your grandchildren to see them. We also offer custom albums and memory boxes. Get started today by booking a consultation and making a plan.     


10 Reasons Not to Let Friends Take Your Senior Pictures


A World of Great Faces